Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Vita Nova

For the past few weeks I have been dreaming. Not unusual. In fact, according to psychologists and people who do sleep studies, we dream multiple times a night, it just doesn't tend to be anything worth remembering. Well, lately I have been remembering a lot of my dreams, and they all have one common factor: someone is pregnant. Not me, but someone close to me. My mother was pregnant, along with my grandmother, and last night, two of my closest friends were pregnant. Strange if you ask me. I haven't been pregnant in any of these dreams, just other people. And there is always some challenge. My mom said she was too old and she wanted to abort, my grandma had to travel far to get to a hospital to have the baby, and Carrie and Hanna* were going to have their babies a day apart (for some reason, in my dream this was a really bad thing. It was a dream, just go with it.)  So, I decided to go digging into my subconscious and look up what my dreams were trying to tell me. I'm not saying that dreams have meaning and I'm not saying they don't, I just want to know what Freud thinks my subconscious is trying to tell me.

So, I went to the most reliable source I know, the internet, knowing that whatever I find must be true! Most websites were telling me the same thing, that in dreams pregnancy means new beginnings. They are telling me this is positive. I am about to start my new life, my Vita Nova (Latin for New Life). Now, does this mean that since I was seeing everyone else pregnant that I feel like everyone is moving forward, starting something new, while I'm some hamster on a wheel running, and getting no where fast? Then again, some dream-analysis people will tell you that everyone in your dream is a reflection of some part of yourself; so am I about to embark on some new life? 

Let's take a peak at my life: I am starting my sophomore year of college. One of my closest friends, Samantha*, just moved two hours away for school. Not horribly far, but for someone with school and work and a car that can't go on the expressway, so it would take even longer to reach her, it makes things a littler harder. I've begun to mature my routine. Wake up early, shower, meditate, eat right, do whatever needs to be done, and be in bed before midnight. Let me tell you why this is not me: I sleep in late, until at least one in the afternoon, mainly because I am up until 4am the night before, watching movies, talking with friends, yada yada yada, not being productive. I shower at night to relax me enough to go to sleep, not will me to wake up at an unbearable 7:30 am. Meditation, how great it is in theory, is really hard. It's suppose to help you clear your mind, give you better posture along with being a relaxed, more tolerant person. Instead, I just go all A.D.D. and start twittling my fingers, and begin getting pissed off because my back hurts. And finally, eating right is the worst thing that is good for you. I hate it. I decided that with a new school year, I will cut out delicious drinks, and consume only water. No more snacking for me, just three meals, that only seem to be keeping me satisfied for like an hour. And I'm eating good foods, but I used to eat A LOT! (Quick tell all your friends, the Freshman 15 is real.) Oh, also, I added working out. One word: ouch. So, now, I'm hungry, tired, sore, cranky, and lonely. Vita Nova, right?

*Names have been changed for the privacy of my friends. But, names have been chosen from a character, (TV, movie, book, etc.) that best represents them. 

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