Thursday, October 7, 2010

I Should Have A Show On HGTV

I am currently redoing my room. It's hell in four walls. I first had to fill in the holes in my walls, from push pins and such. There were more than 300 holes, (I hung a lot of stuff up.) Whatever. I did it. Then, I had to empty out my room. NBD! (That's "no big deal" in teenage girl talk.) I am getting rid of my dresser and bringing in some old stuff that my aunt has. So, my brother and I were taking it out of my room, and we're about to take it down a single flight of stairs. Then, my arm cramped up and the dresser went sliding down the stairs and broke in half. You know what sucks more than having to take a dresser to the Salvation Army? Trying to throw out a broken fucking dresser! Whatever. I got rid of it.
After this it was time to bring in the vintage furniture. We are starting to bring it up, and Butterfinger Magee drops this one, too!! Luckily we were only a few steps up, but I went stumbling back, hit the wall, the dresser hit me, full on. I had the wind knocked out of me. I couldn't breathe and now it hurts to walk. Finally we get the dresser up and the mirror, although the foot on it is broke and it lopsided.  My paint tipped over on the carpet. My beautiful silver carpet now has a giant dark purple spot, smack in the middle of it. The curtains are currently not wide enough, and look foolish. Basically, my room is a fucking mess.*

*None of this actually happened. I haven't even begun to paint yet. I just have nothing else to blog about.

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