Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Textbooks, Bad Coffee, and a Bitch With a 'Fro

I have had a horrendous day today. I needed to have my own little therapy session about it, so I decided to blog, but ya'll get a treat, because this has picture.*
To start my day off, my alarm seem to fail at its job of waking me up. So, eight snooze buttons later, I realize my class is ten minutes. It takes me that amount of time to find a parking space, let alone get dressed, brush my teeth, maybe some make-up, clear off my car, get my crap together, and drive there.
Once I get there, I realize that I have not had any coffee or food. Trust me, caffeine or at least some sugar can go far in the morning. So as my professor blabbed on about Saint Thomas Aquinas, I tried my hardest to remain awake- and slightly failed. Then he showed us some Night Line and I really couldn't stand it. I just tried to focus on the light shining off his head and how strange his hands looked.
Once my class was over, I had some time to go grab a cup of coffee. I run to the cafeteria, and get a cup of joe. As I take the first sip, I resist the urge to throw it out. It tasted like shit. There is not other adjective to describe the utter madness that my taste-buds were subjected to.
After I toss the dirt mixed with water- I mean coffee. I go to my next class. Anthropology. Fun right? I guess, except my professor looks and acts like Mrs. Weasley from Harry Potter. You think that would be fun, but you just have a scatter brained twit. Anyways. She decided to inform me, with her unibrow scrunched and all, that I have the wrong textbook. Yes, the same textbook I have been reading and studying from. And yes, in the class that I have a test on in a week. It's also the same textbook that I rented for 80 big ones, meaning that I just threw that money away. AND I get to now drop another 100 on a new one. The most embarrassing part of it all, was how she was laughing through her god-awful smeared lipstick, while her man hands held up the right textbook. Can I also state, if she would have given me the right ISBN number, this never would have happened in the first place!!!
So, after this happens, I go home and find my old textbooks that I had to take to the bookstore to sell back. Some tall-ass woman, who never go the memo that neon jumpsuits and giant afro's were tacky in the seventies, let alone now, starts screaming at me because my book cannot be sold back. They are the old editions, even if they were good a semester ago. And even so, did she really need to go all diva on me, and cross her arms and get some attitude? Forgive me, I just needed some cash for my freaking books.
Okay, after I got home, more and more things got worse, but I don't have cool drawings/photos for those, so lets just leave it at that.
 I hope your day was better than mine. And now it's time for bed.

*Don't copy and paste them. They're copyrighted. Not really, I don't know how to do that, but if I did, they would be. So, let's just work on the honor system here. But, why would you even want to copy and paste them in the first place? Are you that weird? Not to insult my lovely readers or anything...

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